“Energy is clearly high for the meeting (and last week’s “preview” meeting [for the capital campaign] went very smoothly, so the project is going to happen, through no small feat by both of you. Thank you for your guidance and leadership. In 35+ years of ministry you are the very best I have worked with.”
— Pastor Simon Fensom, Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead, MN
What people are saying…
“Hey, Mitzie! I’ll work on editing my story soon, but didn’t want to wait to thank you for the truly excellent workshop. Both sessions have been wonderful! Your passion to help churches improve their communion skills for kingdom impact is evident—and much needed. Helping churches understand what kind of content is most likely to capture and sustain interest in an information-overload world is a great help. I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from both times and greatly appreciate your openness to continue to help the pastors and communications folks (not me, I’m music!). I hope they all take you up on it! I’ll write you again when I send my edited story.
- Shirl, Living Springs Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC
What are others saying?
“I first heard about Donorarc Stories during Mitzie’s workshop at the 2021 United Methodist Camping Association National Gathering. I knew immediately this was something I wanted to pursue because it felt genuine and doable. I loved that it enabled us to share the excitement we see in changed lives here at Pecometh without asking for money. We did Mitzie’s training early this year and immediately put the concepts into practice. Our first newsletter generated more than 5X the cost of the training AND it’s still paying dividends with every quarterly newsletter.”
~Jack Shitama, Pecometh Camp & Retreat Ministries
“Mitzie, I just have to say that your answers to our questions and the way you put things are just exactly what I need to hear! Your example of “raindrops” was perfect! My “need” to grow MEMBERS to the ministry……is different from what the members need. And as a member myself, I also need what they need so I totally get that!!!! Thank you! I do appreciate your time and how great you are at your job!!!”
~ Jody, All Souls, VT
A core group of staff and leadership from All Souls Interfaith Gathering in VT attended their first Donorarc Training, eager to learn. During the last week in September of 2021, only three weeks after their training, they shared their first story - I was the Driver.
During a follow-up meeting, their Executive Director/Lead Pastor shared that their email open rate for this first Donorarc Story saw a 6% increase over their average open rate. Their Facebook engagement was double the average. The Lead Pastor received 6 personal emails back thanking him for sharing the story and each included their own message of gratitude for All Souls.
This is wonderful, but not surprising.
When people can see how their generosity impacts the lives of others, it opens their hearts and fills them with gratitude. It anchors them to the mission. If you’d like to work together to build healthy systems that anchor your donors to your mission, I invite you to schedule a FREE 30-Minute Initial Consult.