First Anchor Story Success

A core group of staff and leadership from All Souls Interfaith Gathering in VT attended their first Anchor Training, eager to learn. During the last week in September of 2021, only three weeks after their training, they shared their first story - I was the Driver.

During a follow-up meeting, their Executive Director/Lead Pastor shared that their email open rate for this first Anchor Story saw a 6% increase over their average open rate. Their Facebook engagement was double the average. The Lead Pastor received 6 personal emails back thanking him for sharing the story and each included their own message of gratitude for All Souls.

This is wonderful, and not surprising.

When people can see how their generosity impacts the lives of others, it opens their hearts and fills them with gratitude. Read their first story here (Names and Images have been changed for privacy).


I was the Driver

"My wife Jane found All Souls online, and because it was winter, she needed me to drive her the first time," said Gary. "It was important to her, and she is important to me." Gary joined Jane for their first service. "They talked about chakras. I left and told Jane that is not for me. I didn't understand any of that." But it was important to Jane, and so Gary continued to drive her. "That was it, I was the driver." For about 3 or 4 months, Gary basically sat in the service and waited to drive Jane home.

"But then, one service, Don's homily titled the Transformational Power of Gratitude pushed a lot of my buttons." Gary doesn't remember the details of what Don said, "maybe it was about gratitude," but he remembers the tug it had on his heart. "I didn't know what I was looking for, I hadn't identified it yet. I know that dogmatic church was not me. Being told this is the way I need to believe and do and not having a choice doesn't work for me."

Gary credits Jane and Don for the tugs that got him invested in All Souls as a part of his life, but there is more to his story. When he lived in Indiana, Gary was part of a men's group that taught him how to share and talk with other men in a trusting, vulnerable, and transparent way. A connection to that type of group had been missing for more than 9 years from his life. Gary is grateful to John for inviting him to be part of the new men's group at All Souls.

"The men's group talks honestly about real down deep emotional issues. With tremendous honesty. No judging. No advice-giving. It is a discussion," said Gary. The group explores topics like vulnerability and fear, dying, gratitude, favorite books, and hobbies. "The discussion includes a lot of components regarding spirituality in some form or another. This is where I am learning the most because this is what I understand the least or know the least. I am on a journey. I know it. I am so used to thinking I need an outcome at the end of the journey and I have no clue what the outcome is here."

The men's group maintains no judgment and no advice. "We had a couple of meetings about what the purpose would be," and referring to it right inside his phone, he shared, "for men to be open, vulnerable and fully present in order to authentically engage with others, to gain insight, to strive for self-improvement, and to explore our spiritual paths. We seek to learn to lovingly share our passions and joys and to make a meaningful contribution to the world."

Gary’s gratitude for All Souls is palpable. It has created an environment for friendships. Most of the men's group walks with someone else in the group once or more a week. They exchange information or articles for the purpose of growth outside their gathered time.

All Souls has given Gary a feeling of peace with a community of men that he trusts and loves.

"Now, I come WITH Jane. We both participate in services and meditation also. All Souls feels really good to me. It has given me a purpose outside of my daily life. And the purpose is to do what I can to make this place sustainable and for me to grow spiritually. I love the people. My emotions are close to the surface. I cry easily and that's okay."

Your generosity to All Souls makes it possible to offer services and groups like those transforming Gary’s life. Thank you for helping to provide a space where men like Gary can learn about themselves, find connections, and build healthy relationships.


The World is Harsh