Church Websites for Evangelism

Tuesday March 28, 2023 at 10AM ET

You have two audiences who need to learn about you or engage with you on your website, but most church websites are completely geared toward their current members. When I audit church websites, 80% of the content creates a relationship withdrawal. Essential information for those who don’t know you as a church is difficult or impossible to find. Most churches are still using original church website platforms that aren’t designed to map over to mobile devices well or at all, but that is where most people find our websites.

When someone new, looking for a church, arrives on your site, you have 7 seconds to convince them to stay and keep engaging.

Learning Objectives:

  • The checklist of key elements needed on your home page and where they should be located.

  • What images to include and which photos are hurting your image as a congregation.

  • How to stay on brand with your congregation.

  • How to ensure your website maps over to mobile devices seamlessly.

A bad website can be worse than no website.


  • $49.95

  • Tuesday, March 28th at 10am - 12am

  • Held by Zoom (You will receive a link 3 days prior to the class)

  • Registration is for one participant. If you would like multiple people in your church to attend, please let me know and I will provide you with a discount for additional participants.

Who Should Attend:

  • Pastors

  • Church Administrators who manage the website

  • Evangelism Team Members

  • Anyone curious about how to tell more people about the church they love

Pastor Patti & Synod Staff,

Thank you so much for believing in the future of BethEden Lutheran Church! Your generosity offered us the greatest gift in Mitzie Schafer!

Mitzie’s work capturing the stories of BethEden dovetailed perfectly with Synod Assembly’s theme of UnMute Yourself & Tell Your Story! Her Anchor way of interviewing is a great model to inspire people to see God’s presence in their lives & to tell their story. I am so grateful for the refreshing hope both inspired!

Mitzie’s way of presenting combined deep knowledge of marketing, social media & business with her deep love of the church. She defined the different motives of insider/outside materials. She encouraged us to be who we are, as the church God called us to be, not what some people define as a church these days. Mitzie offered many useful ways to let people know the church offers what people are hungry for even if they don’t know what they’re searching for.

Mitzie was a fresh set of eyes on our current online & print presence. She even has a kind way to point out when we are overloading people with information and asking for help too many times. She taught us the importance of balancing deposits or inspiration with withdrawals or asks. Even as we told stories of mundane activities, she saw God showing up all around us & encouraged us to use these to inspire others!

I thank God for Mitzie and for the gifts of these sessions with her! Thank you, again, and stay tuned for a new website utilizing her simple structure & effective graphics, including a new logo she designed for us!

Summer peace & Prayers,

Pastor Stacey

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